Collection of information recommended:名称:双旗币组合Name: Double Flag currency combination门类:杂项Category: Miscellaneous说明:Description:1911年辛亥革命胜利后,清帝退位,民国缔造。中国民主主义革命的者孙中山就职民国暂时大,并在宣告的“暂时大令”中提出要“另刊新模,鼓铸纪念币”,随后武昌和南京两处造币厂铸行了 “民国开国纪念币”铜元辅币,以十文面值的为主,在全国大量发行以轮换清朝铜元。这即使“民国开国纪念币” 铜元的由来。这种铜元的币名很评判,即使“民国开国纪念币”。根据钱币收藏界的平凡共识,对一种钱币,应该把能够评判币名或表露钱币主要个性的一面称为“面”,而把其相对的另一面称为“背”,据此我们应该把此币能差别于前朝铜元,并占有鲜明的划时代革命和长进含义的有“民国开国纪念币”(以下简称开国纪念币)字样的一面称为面,而把其对应记值的另一面称为背。After the victory of revolution in 1911, the qing emperor abdicated, establishment of the republic of China. China's democratic revolution pioneer sun yat-sen as the provisional President of the republic of China, and put forward in the issued "interim executive order" to "the issue of the new mould, drum casting COINS", then the wuchang and nanjing mint in two places first casting line "the founding of the republic of China COINS" copper coin COINS, give priority to with the face value of 10, issue instead of the qing dynasty copper coin in the country. This is "the founding of the republic of China COINS" the origin of the copper coin. This kind of copper coin currency name is clear, is "the founding of the republic of China COINS". According to the general consensus of coin collectors, a coin, should have clear currency displays the money or the name of the main characteristics of a known as the "face", and call its relative to the other side of the "back", accordingly we should put the COINS can differ from most power copper coin, and with distinct epochal revolution and the progressive significance of "the founding of the republic of China COINS" (hereinafter referred to as the founding COINS) on one side is called the surface, and write the corresponding values of the other side called back.民国缔造后,铜元仍继续大量流通交用。1914年,铜元正式改称“铜币”,民国发行的铜币与清大的差别是龙纹被换成了由稻穗构成的嘉禾纹。各省铸造的铜元大多为两旁叉的图案,并有“开国纪念币”或“民国铜币”字样。钱币币面主图均为左十八星右五色旗、双旗图案(这是民国前期或曰前期铜元多用的图案),但就一眼就可辨明的大的个性来看,开国纪念币为有珠圈,文字书法为楷书,我们把有珠圈楷书字体的这种面称做A类面,市场价值颇高。After the establishment of the republic of China, copper coin continued to use a lot of circulation. In 1914, officially renamed copper coin "coin", is the biggest difference between the republic of China issued by the coppers and dragon pattern composed of spikes were substituted for the golden grain. For most of the provinces of casting copper coin fork flag pattern, and has the "founding COINS" or "coin of the republic of China". Coin BiMian main diagram are left 18 star right, double five color flag, flag design (which is in the early of the republic of China or the previous copper coin multi-purpose design), but just at A glance to identify the characteristics of the large view, the founding COINS for usu, writing calligraphy regular script, regular script font we usu circle of the surface as the class A surface, high market value.2017年3月南京永欣国际拍卖公司征集到赵老师收藏多年的双旗币组合,民国双旗当二十铜元,重量为10.16G;湖南省造双旗币当制钱二十文A,重量为10.35G;铜币双旗币贰拾文,重量为10.57G;湖南省造双旗币当制钱二十文B,重量为8.00G;正面图案也由内圈和外圈两部分文字和图案构成,内圈则印制着民国年间的双旗图案,足以向世人说明出它的出产年代,纹路依旧明白可见,上面的锈迹也见证了其历史的积淀,占有极端显然的历史过渡性个性,有着难以言喻的收藏价值,此铜币组合保存完好,钱文,概貌的明白程度好,包浆厚重,占有很高的历史价值,艺术价值和收藏价值。如今,市场上的这种民国钱币已存世不多,倘若藏友们手中持有一枚,会随着年代的持久大幅度升级其收藏价值空间。March 2017 Nanjing Yongxin international auction companies to collect Zhao collection for many years the Double Flag of the Republic of China's dual currency portfolio, when the twenty copper coin, the weight of 10.16G; Hunan province made Double Flag coins when cash twenty paper A, weight is 10.35G; the copper coin Double Flag Ershi the weight of 10.57G; Hunan province made double flag when the coin money for twenty B, the weight of 8.00G; the positive pattern from the inner and outer rings of two part of the text and pictorial composition, inner ring is printed with the Republic of China's double pattern, enough to explain it to the world's production lines, is still clearly visible, the surface rust also witnessed the historical accumulation, with a history of the transitional characteristics are very obvious, there are untold value to the collection, this combination of copper is well preserved, the degree of money, a clear outline, patina massiness, has the very high historical value, art Value and collection value. Now, the market of the coins have been rare, if held in the hands of a Tibetan faithful, will greatly enhance with the long period of the value of its collection space.从先前几年各地拍场的交易数据表露,钱币的交易也继续热烈,表露出其深挚的收藏底蕴。2013年4月,香港斯宾克珍罕钱币交易会上推出的一枚民国十五年陆海军大元帅纪念币样币,曾以338万元天价拍卖胜利。From the past few years, according to data from the field of trading around the coin deal also continue to hot, show its deep collection details. In April, 2013, Hong Kong, guest g exclusivity coin trade fair launched a 15 years of the republic of China army and navy admiral thrawn COINS specimen, with 3.38 million yuan day price auction success.近年部分民国铜币成交价:铜双旗币(湖南省造)--成交价:RMB154万--成交日期:2013-12-21军双旗五文铜币--成交价:RMB216万--成交日期:2014-05-18湖南省造双旗币(当制钱二十文)--成交价:RMB260万--成交日期:2015-12-21湖南省造双旗币--成交价:RMB330万--成交日期:2015-06-18四川铜币双旗五文铜币--成交价:RMB202万--成交日期:2015-05-18In recent years, part of the republic of China: the copper priceCopper double flag currency (build) in hunan province - price: RMB 1.54 million, clinch a deal date: 2013-12-21The junta's double flag five coppers, clinch a deal valence: RMB 2.16 million, clinch a deal date: 2014-05-18Hunan province to build the double flag currency (when ZhiQian twenty article) - price: RMB 2.6 million, clinch a deal date: 2015-12-21Hunan province to build the double flag COINS - price: RMB 3.3 million, closing date: 2015-06-18Sichuan five article coppers, clinch a deal valence copper double flag: RMB 2.02 million, clinch a deal date: 2015-05-182016年5月的北京春季交易会上,一枚湖南省造民国双旗币也以260万元进行现场成交,11月的北京秋季交易会上,一枚四川造币厂民国双旗币的后成交价为185万元。种种数据说明,类似于湖南省造双旗币的好多民国货币依旧是今天艺术品收藏市场中的“香饽饽”。In the same year the spring trade fair in Beijing in May, a hunan province made double flag of the republic of China currency also clinchs a deal with 2.6 million yuan to the scene, the autumn trade fair in Beijing in November, a mint sichuan double flag of the republic of China the last clinch a deal valence is 1.85 million dollars. A variety of data show that is similar to hunan province made of double flag currency currency of the republic of China is still a art collection "beacon" in the market today.
陶瓷: 高古瓷 元明清瓷器 民国名瓷 现代毛瓷及名家紫砂壶。
玉石: 古玉 明清玉 现代玉 翡翠 田黄 陨石 鸡血石。
字画: 历史名人名家书画 现当代书画 各派系名家字画。
杂项: 古籍善本 金银铜器 奇石雕件 文房用品 佛像
家具: 清明各种材质的硬木家具 以紫檀 海南黄花梨及金丝楠木 千年乌木等
鉴定公司地址:重庆市江北区黄泥磅洋河一村78号11-1 河沟斜对面国际商会大厦11-1号