>国画/书法>近代国画>张大千泼墨泼彩山水画获粉无数 免费发布近代国画信息


更新时间:2018-12-09 10:36:14 信息编号:245162525
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张大千(Chang Dai-Chien),男,四川内江人,祖籍广东省番禺,1899年5月10日出生于四川省内江市中区城郊安良里的一个书香门第的家庭,中国泼墨画家,书法家。20 世纪50年代,张大千游历世界,获得的国际声誉,被西方艺坛赞为“东方之笔”。他与二哥张善子昆仲创立“大风堂派”,是二十世纪中国画坛具传奇色彩的泼墨画工。特别在山水画方面卓有成就。后旅居海外,画风工写结合,重彩、水墨融为一体,尤其是泼墨与泼彩,了新的艺术风格,因其诗、书、画与齐白石、溥心畲齐名,故又并称为“南张北齐”和“南张北溥”,名号多如牛毛。与黄君璧、溥心畲以“渡海三家”齐名。二十多岁便蓄著一把大胡子,成为张大千日后的特有标志。他曾与齐白石、徐悲鸿、黄君璧、黄宾虹、溥儒、郎静山等及西班牙抽象派画家毕加索交游切磋。

Zhang Daqian's splash of ink and color landscape painting, no matter in what period, is no one can match. His paintings have never lost their beauty to other masters, but what other masters do not have is the spiritual realm and emotional color attached to his paintings. Let's feel the feeling in Zhang Daqian's painting together.
Introduction to Painters:
Chang Dai - Chien, male, from Neijiang, Sichuan Province, originally from Panyu, Guangdong Province, was born on May 10, 1899 in a family of scholarly family members in Anliangli, a suburb of downtown Neijiang, Sichuan Province, a Chinese ink painter and calligrapher. In the 1950s, Zhang Daqian traveled around the world and won a huge international reputation. He was praised as " the pen of the east" by western art circles. He and his second brother, Zhang Shanzi Kunzhong, founded the " Wind Hall School" and were the most legendary ink - splashing painters in the 20th century in Chinese painting circles. Especially in landscape painting. After living abroad, painting style and writing were combined with painting and ink painting, especially splashing ink and painting, creating a new artistic style. Because his poems, books and paintings are just as famous as Qi Baishi and Puru (artist), they are also called " South Zhang Beiqi" and " South Zhang Beipu" and have many names. With Huang Junbi, Puru (artist) to " cross the sea three" eponymous. In his twenties, he wore a beard and became a unique symbol of Zhang Daqian's future. He has made friends with Qi Baishi, Xu Beihong, Huang Junbi, Huang Binhong, Pu Ru, Lang Jingshan and other Spanish abstract painters Picasso.
Numerous paintings:
In 1982, Zhang Daqian, eighty-four years old, still painted more than one picture. He dyed the rocks with green flowers, fresh and elegant colors, and vigorous and old trees were vigorous. A high man with a staff looked up at the trees as if he had a feeling about the geometry of life. We can also see Daqian's thinking about his life in his later years. When I was eighty-three years old, I remembered my work of traveling to Huangshan Mountain and wrote it under the title of " Jian Jiang and Momordica Charantia". The old pen is vertical and horizontal, vigorous and powerful, with strong ochre applied to the sun's surface of the mountain, mostly with chapped brush, dyed with green flowers and moist at the foot of the mountain, and more visible to the wonder of Huangshan Mountain and the old and hot nature of the pen and ink. The series of reminiscences in Daqian's later years not only simplify the real scene, but also take their own meaning as well. Their temperament is pure and both pale and deep. In 1980, Zhang Daqian continued his pursuit of art and replaced the fine pen with a broken ink. The rocks are vigorous, the trees are simple and luxuriant, the clouds are full of smoke, thick and muddy, and they express their own feelings.
Zhang Daqian's splash of ink and color landscape painting is breathtaking. Many painters have followed Zhang Daqian's example and hope to surpass his glorious history, but until now, no one can do it, because no one can really combine painting with heart.



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