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陨石:英文 Meteorite,也叫陨铁一般行话来自,月球,木星,火星,外天空,经过我国地质勘察局,天文学研究员共同商讨下的新闻发布会上,公布与大众的一般出现在我国,云南,西双版纳傣族自治州,还有云南的香格里拉,还有新疆戈壁,还有湖北武汉一代,还有西藏一代,我国每年都有陨石坠落的事件发生,这个不足为奇,很多新闻媒体有所报道,2018年6月28日云南陨石坠落事件在网上传开,引发陨石收藏家到云南购买陨石,我国陨石研究员前往云南勘察,陨石总是带有一丝的神秘感,到底这个东西是从哪里掉下来的,成为科研人员的一个难题,终总于搞清楚陨石的真实情况。
陨石的特征:1 熔壳,就是陨石的外表层,有燃烧的痕迹,坑坑洼洼的像月球的表层,有气流痕迹。由于陨石穿过大气层时由于速度很快被燃烧熔融物质的剥蚀作用而使其表面具有流纹状或流线状结构。有黑色的外壳。
A meteorite is a rock that was ejected from an asteroid or planet by the collision of another meteoroid or asteroid. That process makes angular, broken rocks, not spherical rocks. As the meteor enters the Earth's atmosphere, some of the jagged edges are smoothed and rounded by melting, but never to the extent of making a spherical rock. Among lunar meteorites, the most sherical is Dhofar 280.
2) There is no fusion crust. There is some kind of a rind, but it doesn't look like a fusion crust. A fusion crust is shiny and usually dark.
Some considerations: Most (~99%) meteorites found by amateurs are ordinary chondrites, irons, and stony irons because (1) these are the most common kinds of meteorites that fall from the sky and (2) such meteorites are often easy to spot because they look different from “ordinary” rocks, even to an amateur. For example, most chondrites and all irons and stony irons contain iron metal and are, therefore, magnetic in that they will attract a compass needle. They are also a bit denser (heavier for their size) than most terrestrial (Earth) rocks.
About 3% of stony meteorites are achondrites such as howardites, eucrites, diogenites, aubrites, ureilites, lunar meteorites, and martian meteorites. Most achondrites contain little or no metal (<1%) and are not magnetic. All strongly resemble Earth rocks. Put another way, many kinds of Earth rocks “look like” the rarest meteorites. If an achondrite does not have a fusion crust (because it’s worn off or it’s a piece from the interior of a large meteorite), it is impossible to recognize it as a meteorite without doing expensive and time-consuming chemical, isotopic, and mineralogical analyses. All the martian meteorites, for example, are rock types that are common on Earth (basalts, peridotites, pyroxenites, dunites).
Many of the people who have sent us rocks and photos have done so because of our web site on lunar meteorites. Thus, many of the photos in the collection above really don’t look anything like “normal” meteorites. A few resemble lunar meteorites. Again, however, many terrestrial rocks, particularly sedimentary rocks and some volcaniclastic rocks, superficially “look like” the brecciated lunar meteorites. Your chance of finding a real meteorite is very low. For example, there have been only about 23found in Missouri and 9 found in Illinois in the past 200 years. Less than 1 in 1000 of all known meteorites are from the Moon (same for Mars). Thus, your chance of finding a rare type of meteorite is extremely low.
The bottom line is that if you have a rock that has no fusion crust and it looks like a terrestrial rock, then it is almost certainly not a meteorite. Meteorite dealers and scientists aren’t going to be interested in examining, studying, or analyzing it.