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钧窑,劳伦斯 |
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WRENCE’S INTERNATIONAL AUCTONS INC.(劳伦斯国际拍卖公司)总部位于美国纽约州。“劳伦斯”品牌家族共同使用权人联合体成立已有90年历史,早可追溯至1929年美国经济大萧条前夜。“劳伦斯”品牌从早期的金融利益逐渐转型涉足艺术品领域,画廊、拍卖、奢侈品经营、展览等领域,并由品牌家族共同使用权人分享劳伦斯品牌带来的度和财富收益盛宴。
2017年10月,劳伦斯国际拍卖公司将在香港举办中国艺术品拍卖会,这是劳伦斯国际拍卖公司将拍卖会移至大地区,并积极拓展与中国伙伴的业务合作。劳伦斯拍卖中国业务部将以打造全美 端中国艺术品拍卖机构为目标,利用国际化的拍卖平台、全球化的买家资源,将为中国艺术品藏家提供更好的服务。此次香港大型拍卖,劳伦斯将预展两天,征集藏品类型众多,同时邀请各界藏友前来参观和购买,感谢新老朋友对劳伦斯的支持。
WRENCE 'S INTERNATIONAL AUCTONS INC. (Laurence international auction companies) is headquartered in New York, USA. The "Laurence" brand family co owners association has been established for 90 years and can be traced back to the eve of the Great Depression of 1929. The "Laurence" brand has gradually changed into the field of art from early financial interests, galleries, auctions, luxury goods management, exhibition and other fields, and shared the high-end reputation and wealth benefit feast of the Laurence brand by the common user of the brand family.
In the 2008 Asian financial turmoil, China began to set foot in Chinese art and cooperate in various fields, such as galleries and private collectors. And China's porcelain, jade, painting and painting, a special investment, as a well-known Chinese art enterprises engaged in Chinese art, in 2017 through the market research and the adjustment of China's foreign cultural relics policy formally entered the Asian market. Laurence has established offices in major cities in Asia, organizing more than fifty times a year, involving more than 12 Chinese art auctions, and holding Chinese art related activities in Losangeles, New York, San Francisco, Seattle, Miami, Seattle and other cities every year.
In order to expand the business of Chinese art auction, Laurence auctions with Chinese art to cooperate with Chinese art to hold works of art forums, clasping exhibitions and high-end art appreciation in China, using Laurence's influence in the United States to push more Chinese art to the international market and provide more high-end art for international buyers.
In October 2017, Laurence international auction companies will hold the first Chinese art auction in Hongkong. This is the first time that the Laurence international auction companies moved the auction to greater China and actively expanded its business cooperation with Chinese partners. Laurence auction of China's business department will aim to build a Chinese art auction institution at the end of the United States. It will provide better services for Chinese art collectors using the international auction platform and the globalization of the buyer's resources. The Hongkong large auction, Laurence will be a preview of two days, collection of various types of collection, at the same time invites all the people from all walks of life to visit and buy, thank the new and old friends for Laurence's support.
LOT号拍品名称 成交价 拍卖日期
8047 元钧窑盘 245 万 2014-12-05
8048 元钧窑红斑碗 320.7万 2014-12-05
6236 元钧窑天蓝釉盏托 722.3万 2014-12-04
6237 元钧窑月白釉碗 165万 2014-12-04
3603 明初期钧窑仰钟式花盆 287.5万 2014-12-03
1060 元钧窑天蓝釉折沿碗 352万 2014-12-03
1057 清钧窑天青釉梅瓶 455万 2014-12-03
1065 元钧窑天蓝釉紫斑大碗 622万 2014-12-03
1064 元钧窑天蓝釉敛口大碗 125万 2014-12-03
钧窑窑变釉大花盆 成交价格 58,000,000 北京中嘉
钧窑玫瑰紫葵花式花盆 成交价格 9,430,000 香港中富比
宋 钧窑月白釉鼓钉三足洗 成交价格 6,440,000 澳门中信
钧窑丁香紫釉葵花式三足洗 成交价格 6,325,000 香港中富比
钧窑天蓝玫瑰紫釉棱口花盆 成交价格 13,472,000 香港苏富比
钧窑天蓝釉葵花式花盆配白玉座 成交价格 11,385,000 北京保利
明初 钧窑天青釉葵花式花盆连水仙盆 成交价格 6,353,600 苏富比
明 钧窑天青釉仰钟式花盆 成交价格 37,551,125 苏富比(香港)
钧窑内天青釉外玫瑰紫釉云足鼓钉洗 成交价格 6,800,000 香港中富比
元/明初 钧窑玫瑰紫釉鼓钉三足洗 成交价格 7,712,000 佳士得(香港)
胭脂红轧道锦地洋彩缠枝花卉套炉钧窑釉双象耳转心瓶 成交价格 59,024,200 香港苏富