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[赏析]孙中山民国开国纪念币 (2017年新加坡收官之作环球秋拍)

古玩经纪人:段总 联系电话: :
1911年12月29 日,经辛亥革命后,已光复的17省代表在南京推选孙中山为民国临时大。1912年1月3日,民国宣告成立,清朝灭亡,在中国持续2000 多年的封建君主专制随之结束。
古玩经纪人:段总 联系电话: :

On December 29, 1911, after the revolution of 1911, the representative of the 17 provinces that had been restored to the republic of China elected sun yat-sen as the interim President of the republic of China. On January 3, 1912, the government of the republic of China was proclaimed, and the qing dynasty was destroyed, and the monarchy ended in China for more than 2,000 years.

The republic of China was founded, as a result of monetary has not yet been established, in addition to sichuan remold the big fellow silver COINS, outside fujian remold the wing, the main mint, mostly still continue to use the clearance die casting silver COINS, need for circulation. Due to the confusion of the currency, Chen jintao, the minister of the interim government, presented to sun yat-sen, the President of the United States, on March 11, the first day of the republic of China. The design features a portrait of sun yat-sen, and later the silver coin is changed into patterns. Sun yat-sen to the Treasury, agreed to drum casting COINS, and ordered the rest of the general silver new pattern, "in the middle should draw the grain model, from the meaning of feng, sufficient, hang down to gauge of this" complex, instructions Treasury making new mould, according to the provincial mint drum type casting. Before long, the ministry of finance gave the new model to jiangnan (nanjing), hubei, guangdong and other mint mint, which is the origin of "the republic of China's sun yat-sen like the founding commemorative COINS".

Sun as the founding of the republic of China commemorative silver, positive central for sun yat-sen's profile portrait, engrave on the inside edge of Chinese official script "republic of China" four words, engrave the "founding COINS" 5 words, or so long branch ornamental design. On the back, the Chinese official script is "one circle" and jiahe, with the English "republic of China" and "one circle" on the edge, and the five stars in the left and right. Straight line teeth, weight 26.6 grams, a color 89%, commonly known as "small head". The currency is issued by the republic of China and is widely circulated and has a large number of circulation. The founding of the republic of China is not the founding of the republic of China. In the 16 years of the republic of China and 17 years in nanjing and tianjin, the mints were cast, but all were in the era of "the founding of the republic of China". Sun as the founding of the republic of China commemorative silver dollar, due to differ, the casting, casting s different, engraver English level is not high, besides is on the back of the main pattern has not changed, its ornamental design details, English letters are variations, especially English letters more errors. This creates a variety of prints for the currency. There are two main types of biography: one is the pentagonFormat: a hexagonal star format
Natural crystals of natural crystals have been growing in the earth's crust for hundreds of millions of years, usually through intense crustal movements such as volcanoes and earthquakes. Natural crystal belongs to mineral resources, very rare and precious, belonging to one of gem.

Natural crystal is non-renewable resources, with the deepening of the development, natural crystal stock is less and less, in order to sustainable development, donghai county government had made to protect local resources, encourage the development of overseas crystal resources policy, however, fewer and fewer overseas resources, many countries have raised the threshold of the production and export of natural crystal, foreign crystal price several years into the east China sea markets jumped.

The chemical composition of crystal is mainly silica, and the chemical stability of crystal is quite good. The hardness of the crystal is high, and the hardness of its mohs is 7. These determine that the crystal does not decay, has durability, is easy to preserve, is very suitable for collection.

When normal crystal growth, more can be found and cylindrical cutting-edge ine parallel to the grain growth (growth lines). Due to growth in underground, the cave space more narrow, especially in case of earthquake, or changes in the earth's crust, and vulnerable to other ore extrusion, often can produce different oppression "crystal". Also, when the crystal is in liquid form, often will be coated with other minerals, marl crystal growth, such as rutile (later to become and development), volcanic mud ash (later to become a phantom crystal) and so on. All of these are "part of nature", please don't treat them as "flaws".

辛亥革命推翻了清王朝,建立了民国,结束了几千年来的封建帝制。作为这一胜利的纪念,当时留下了许多铸行的钱币。其中,珍贵的自然是民国发行、由南京造币厂铸造的“开国纪念币”银元了。此币是民国元年(1912年) 孙中山就任民国临时大后下令由南京造币厂铸造的开国纪念币,其正面图案中央是孙中山先生便装浮雕侧面像,珠圈上方是隶书“民国”四字,下方是隶书“开国纪念币”五字,两侧镌有带枝梅花;背面图案中央是嘉禾二株衬托着竖写隶书“壹元”两字,珠圈上方是英文“民国”字样,下方是英文“一元”字样,两侧偏下各有一个梅花五星。


The 1911 revolution overthrew the qing dynasty, established the republic of China, and ended the feudal monarchy for thousands of years. As a tribute to this victory, many COINS were left behind. Among them, the most precious of nature is the government issued by the republic of China, the "founding commemorative COINS" made by nanjing mint COINS. This money is the first year of the republic of China (1912) sun yat-sen became provisional President of the republic of China after the ordered by the founding of nanjing mint COINS, is the front side of each medallion includes the central sun yat-sen casual relief profile, bead circle above the official script is "republic of China" four words, below is the official script "founding COINS" five words, two side engrave has take branch plum blossom; Pattern on the back of the central is a golden harvest two strain foil with vertical writing official script "one yuan" two words, bead circle above is "republic of China" in English, below is the English word "one yuan", on both sides of the lower each have a plum blossom five-star.

The founding of the republic of China the design of commemorative COINS has a special meaning: official script "people" will last a long "people" word, its explanation to overthrow the qing dynasty, symbol of victory of democracy (s), and declare it is a popular government. There are five pieces of plum blossom each, symbolizing the five powers of the constitution (five powers: legislative, judicial, executive, impeachment and examination), which is the national flower. On March 2, 2000, sun yat-sen issued a provisional executive order, which stipulates that the new form of money should be printed in a new model. The rest of the general new COINS should be drawn in the middle of the five valley model. The dragon figure, which replaces the silver dollar in qing dynasty with bean and grain, shows that the national government attaches great importance to national, democratic and people's livelihood. On the back of the commemorative coin, there is a circle of two words, with each branch of jiahe, each branch of one ear and three leaves, symbolizing the three democracy. Was yuan shikai to succeed for sun yat-sen temporary President position quickly, so the next few in number, the five-star founding COINS casting line this money base plate is smooth, the text clear, beautifully designed, quality in good condition, patina is thick, is all the more precious.

深圳中皇拍卖有限公司在2017年11月份有幸征集到一枚克重26.3g 直径:3.9cm的孙中山开国纪念币,请欣赏这枚见证民国成立的开国纪念币
In November 2017, the shenzhen king huang auction co., ltd. was lucky enough to collect a gram weight 26.3g diameter: 3.9cm of sun yat-sen's founding commemorative COINS, please enjoy this testimony of the founding of the republic of China

Martian meteorites
Starting price:1.500.000RMB
Reserve price: 2.000.000
Bid for this item, please contact our business personnel in advance for special bidding plate number.
Remark: Mr. Wang, heilongjiang Tibetan

This coin saw the revolution of 1911 overthrew the qing dynasty, established the republic of China, and ended the feudal imperial system for thousands of years. The coin has clear text, fine pattern, good quality, and rich, especially precious. It is very rare, and it has great collection, research and investment value.
征集通知: 广大藏家朋友,中皇拍卖有限公司对国际市场的需求和买家客户的委托,特定意向征集大量,要求品相完好保真,请藏家朋友相互转告,收藏有碳粒陨石的藏家尽快与我司人员取得联系。
古玩经纪人:段总 联系电话: :


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